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Modern injection molding machines equipped with closed loop technology present the molder with a distinctly new set of rules when compared to older, open loop traditional machines. Unfortunately, some molders do not realize the rules have changed and they continue to apply old methods with new technology. When these methods do not work, they blame the machine, the mold or the material and rarely do they blame their technique.  Little do they realize that the real cause of their problems is the misapplication of closed loop technology.
Closed loop controls have often been heralded as the cure all for many molding problems. The perception is that once the process has been established and good parts are being produced, the machine will "take over" and reproduce the same identical parts shot after shot.  Moreover, it is the general impression that even if the polymer characteristics change, for example, melt flow, relative viscosity, etc., the machine will self-adjust and compensate.  Thus, some molders believe that in the imperfect world of polymer chemistry, closed loop controls will continue to produce consistent parts, even when the material varies.  What can closed loop technology really do?  What are the limitations and what are the rules?
Closed loop technology in injection molding machines is not new.  Its' earliest use is found in  temperature controllers. Closed loop is a method by which a controller  looks at the results of what is being controlled.  In its simplest form, the controller would self- adjust by looking at temperature deviation results of its own attempts to control and then apply just enough electrical power to maintain  a given set-point. Controllers in the late forties and early fifties could maintain consistent temperatures within ten degrees Fahrenheit.  Today's P.I.D. controllers are capable of holding within less than one degree.  
Although all older traditional molding machines use closed loop temperature control, most use open loop velocity control unless they have been retrofitted with modified hydraulics and electronics.  Open loop control is blind control. It neither looks at the process nor corrects for error. The molder selects a given ram pressure and speed and as the ram moves forward to fill the mold, resistance increases and the ram slows down. The pressure and speed controls cannot adjust for changes in resistance and velocity. Consequently, shot to shot inconsistencies may develop due to changes in melt viscosity, back pressure, shot size variations, etc. On the other hand, closed loop velocity control is, within limits, self-adjusting. The molder still selects a desired injection speed and pressure limit and the controller automatically selects the volume of oil flow and number of hydraulic pumps necessary to achieve that velocity.  While injecting, it will continuously monitor ram velocity and by adding or subtracting pumps and adjusting oil flow, and it will attempt to maintain that speed until cut-off is reached.
One can compare open loop and closed loop velocity control to an automobile and driver.  If a driver holds the accelerator stationary at, say fifty MPH on a straight flat road, one could say the vehicle is in open loop control. As long as the accelerator is held stationary, the vehicle will slow down as it moves up a hill and speed up as it moves down. Cruise control, on the other hand, is closed loop. On the straight away the accelerator will still be in the same position at fifty MPH, but as the vehicle begins to slow down traveling up the hill, the controller will see this change in speed and give the vehicle more gas.  Conversely, as the vehicle begins to pick up speed going down the hill, the controller will ease off the gas.
Very often, molders working with traditional open loop machines will choose an injection speed that "looks right" and gradually increase the boost pressure until the mold just fills. That pressure is noted and the pressure is then increased until the mold just begins to flash. That pressure is noted too and the difference between the two pressures is called the "process window".  For example, if the mold just filled at 1150 psi and just flashed at 1300 psi, the process window would be 150 psi.  The final operating injection pressure selected would be in the middle of the window, or in this case, 1225 psi.  Conventional wisdom states that the hold pressure should be less than boost and thus the molder will select a hold pressure somewhere that again "looks right" but below 1225 psi. Surprisingly, this technique proves some what reliable when working with conventional open loop controls. Of course, it is often noted that the process window changes with varying injection speeds and injection speeds vary with changes in melt viscosity.  The molder often finds that even though the process is centered in the process window, the set up must be constantly tweaked for shorts or flash.
What happens when the molder applies the same techniques in a closed loop machine? Does the controller simply "take over" and make each shot exactly the same?  How do open loop molding techniques affect a closed loop machine?  To answer these questions we must first look at how closed loop injection velocity controls work.  In essence, the controller knows four things: time, distance, speed and pressure. The molder tells the controller the distance the ram should travel to reach cut-off, the speed the ram should travel and the pressure the ram should feel during hold. Once these parameters have been established, it's up to the controller to monitor itself shot after shot and control the velocity with high repeatability. The traditional, open loop molder knows he must fill the mold on boost.  Thus, after choosing an injection speed with or without profiling, he will adjust the feed and then work with cut-off until the mold fills. Hold pressure is set at some value that "looks good". How does the traditional molder determine his process window? He uses cut-off.  He knows that if he moves the cut-off back a certain distance, the mold will short and forward a certain distance, the mold will flash.

For example, at .400 inch the mold might just begin to flash and at .500 inch the mold might just begin to short. The molder believes the logical thing is to set the cut-off in the middle of this process window at .045 inch. Consider now what the controller sees and how it adapts.  Remember, it only knows time, distance, speed and pressure.  As the tool begins to fill, the resistance increases and the ram begins to slow down. The controller sees this change in velocity and opens a valve wider to increase the volume of oil flow. As the resistance continues to rise, the controller brings in more pumps. The controller is trying to maintain a given velocity regardless of the resistance and the resistance is the greatest just before the mold begins to flash.  The molder has set up the process so at that very moment cut-off is reached a very slight inaccuracy in position or a very slight change in polymer viscosity can result in shot to shot inconsistencies.  The controller doesn't know why some shots are more or less difficult to fill. It doesn't know if there was a change in melt viscosity or if the screw picked up more or less material. It only knows to try to go from starting point to cut-off at the same velocity each shot.
Traditional molding with a closed loop controller can be compared to the automobile analogy. Suppose you are told to drive your automobile up a progressively steep hill (resistance) and at the top of the hill is a brick wall. You are told to drive your automobile at fifty MPH in cruise control and at the last moment, slam on your brakes (cut-off) so your five MPH impact bumper just touches the wall. If you stop slightly too late, your car will "flash" and if you stop too soon, you will come up "short". Now, add a further complication. As you are driving up the hill, you cannot look at the brick wall, you can only look at your odometer. When it reaches the right "position" you hit the brakes! This is analogous to what the molder has told the closed loop controller to do. The ram is being told to move at a certain velocity, constantly adjust to maintain that velocity and then at precisely .450 inch cut-off into hold.  Slightly over shoot, and the part will flash.  Slightly under shoot and the part will short. Moreover, if the injection speed or material viscosity or shot size load varies, the mold could still flash or short even if cut-off was made precisely.
Now consider a different scenario. You are back driving up the hill but this time you are told to apply the brake and begin to slow down to three MPH one hundred feet before the wall.  Then, at five MPH or less, you are told to just come to rest against it.  Obviously, if you are permitted to slow first it will be much easier to control the final impact.  In fact, you could probably do it repeatedly with one hundred percent accuracy.  This technique can easily be applied with closed loop (and even open loop) molding machines.  The molder first adjusts the hold pressure to zero, then regardless of the injection speed chosen, the cut-off is set to make when the mold is only ninety to ninety five percent filled.  The process window is then determined by slowly increasing the hold pressure until the mold just fills without sinks.  That specific pressure is the lower limit of the process window.  The hold pressure is then increased until the mold just begins to flash.  That specific pressure is the upper limit. Suppose, for example, the lower limit was determined to be six hundred psi and the upper limit nine hundred psi.  The process would then be set in the middle at seven hundred and fifty psi. The controller has thus been told to fill the mold quickly up to ninety or ninety five percent and then "hit the brakes" and finish filling the mold gently at a pressure that will not flash or short.
This method of molding uses closed loop technology to its greatest advantage.  Because the final filling of the mold is decoupled from the high velocity boost, the pressure the mold feels is very much controlled.  Even if the ram over travels a bit (the equivalent of hitting the brakes of the automobile a little late) there is still ample time for the velocity and pressure to be reduced to the value determined by the process window. If the ram cuts off a little too soon or the material viscosity is a little off, the process window is wide enough to compensate for the variations.  This type of set-up is very forgiving as long as the initial parameters are properly established .  It is very important to determine the short/flash process window carefully and equally important to accurately set the cut- off position. In addition, it may be necessary to adjust the hold speed.  A single low volume pump is used for hold pressure and the pump volume or speed is usually selectable on one of the process screens. This speed should be set somewhere between fifty to one hundred percent.  If set too low, the hold pressure may not have enough forward movement and oil volume to finish filling the mold.  Also, many closed loop molding machines feature a used selectable ramp to hold time.  This is the amount of time the pumps take to change the pressure and velocity from boost to hold. Generally speaking, this time should be reduced as much as possible and ideally at .5 seconds or less on large presses and proportionately less on smaller presses.  However, in selecting a ramp time, care should be taken to prevent over shoot or under shoot of the hold pressure. This can be determined by observing a smooth, even transition of boost pressure to hold pressure on the "pressure page" (if available) or on the injection pressure gage.  Also, observe the ram physically.
This discussion would not be complete without a few words about velocity profiles.  Yes, the ram speed can be profiled to decrease ram inertia (the weight and force of the ram moving forward) and help ease the ram into hold pressure and reduce ram over-travel.  However, remember each change in velocity profile is another set of instructions the controller is asked to follow accurately every shot.  Ask a controller to make too many changes and error begins to multiply.  Repeatability is what we seek.
So what if your press is not closed loop but rather the older, traditional open loop?  Can you still use decoupled molding techniques?  Certainly you can!  However, you will need to do a little experimentation.  You are probably accustomed to filling the tool with boost pressure and tend to keep it low so you do not flash.  Unfortunately, as described earlier, you will see a lot of inconsistencies.  In effect, you have made the set up "pressure limited".  As resistance increases the tool will tend to short and as resistance decreases the tool will tend to flash.  The solution to this problem is to set the boost pressure much higher than the flash pressure but cut off before the mold is filled.  I will talk more about this in the next section below.


Open loop machines can be set up to use decoupled molding techniques.  However, certain methods must be applied that may seem at first to go against the traditionalist's grain.  However, this technique is vastly superior because fill rates are more consistent and peak cavity pressures are more easily controlled.  Moreover, this can be accomplished with out the use of cavity transducers.  Even molds that must be filled more slowly are less affected by changes in material variations.

As with closed loop decoupled molding, first stage pressure is used to fill ninety to nine five per cent of the mold and the final packing is accomplished with second stage pressure.  However, for this technique to work it is absolutely necessary that an excess amount of boost pressure is available at all times.  It is this availability of pressure that compensates for changes in melt viscosity. Note too that unlike traditional molding, you do not control injection speed by making changes in boost pressure.  Injection speed will be changed solely by the use of the flow control valve.  
1)  With press stopped, set the boost pressure at about 1900 psi, and hold pressure at 0 psi.
2)  If you are working with a large press, say 1000 tons or larger, set the cut off to 1.00 inch.  If it is a smaller press, reduce the cut off accordingly.
3)  Estimate the amount of feed it will take to fill the tool and then set the feed at approximately half that amount.
4)  Set the injection speed somewhere between slow to moderate.
5)  Set the hold time adequately so the gates will freeze off before it times out.
6)  Set the mold close time adequately for the size part you are molding.
7)  Set the back pressure as per suggested by the material manufacturer.
8)  Set the barrel temperatures also as recommended by the material manufacturer.
9)  Set the tool temperature likewise.
10)  Be certain cut off is set for position and the boost timer is higher than needed (so that it does not time out before cut off position is reached.

You are now ready to take your first shot.
Obviously, your first shot will be short.  Gradually increase the fill (screw position) until the shot is 90% to 95% full.  For the time being you will leave the injection speed alone. Then slowly start adding pressure to the second stage.  Eventually the tool will fill out under second stage.  Increase the pressure until the sinks pack out.  To tweak the process you will want a small cushion so the ram has material to work against.  You will also want to adjust your injection speed to the maximum the tool will allow.


Most changes in the process are ultimately felt by the tool cavities.  Consequently, the core of a process monitoring system should be cavity pressure transducers and a strip chart recorder or computer data logger.  The recorder would provide real time charting of internal tool pressures shot to shot for analysis.  Subsequent tuning of the process would enable the operator to optimize peak cavity pressure, peak cut-off pressure (at transfer) second stage pressure, second stage time, gate freeze off time, injection velocity, etc. In short, the recorder would be used as an analytical tool to establish the optimum molding parameters. Because the transducer/recorder system already uses a signal conditioner, a cavity pressure cut-off signal could be presented to the boost cut-off of the molding machine to provide process control in addition to  process monitoring., The transducer(s) and signal conditioner would stay with the tool and press while the strip recorder would be made free for analytical work on any other press.
Economics as a consideration, it is not really necessary to provide S.P.C. data on all process variables shot to shot throughout a production run. It would be adequate to initially establish S.P.C. data on one production run, establish upper and lower control limits and then simply monitor those limits on subsequent runs. Indeed, once those limits have been established and it has been proven that good parts can be produced within those limits, it is redundant to monitor more than the established limits.  Any alarm outside the normal processing window would be viewed as producing non-conforming parts until the process is back inside the window. Remember, most of the variations will be normal deviation and it is   mainly the catastrophic variation that causes our main concern.
With this in mind, a process monitoring system needs two major sub- systems:
1) Full S.P.C. monitoring capability to establish initial control limits during the initial capability run.
2) An upper and lower control limit monitoring system to alarm during production when those limits are exceeded.
One single portable S.P.C. monitoring unit could be used to establish control limits on all jobs and a separate hi-low process monitor could be installed on each press to monitor those limits. The customer would still be provided with S.P.C. data for each job and the hi-low excursions would be documented .


1) Both the molding machine and the material cause variation.
2) A "perfect" molding machine guarantees variation in the part (due to variations in the material).
3) Cavity pressure transducers with cavity pressure cut-off help compensate for variations in the process/polymer.
4) Partially and fully decoupled molding de-amplifies changes in viscosity.
5) Cavity pressure cut-off provides the de-amplification signal.
6) A strip chart recorder or data logger provides the molder with a visual picture of what is happening in the mold.
7) This information is used to optimize the process parameters.
8) A variable data process monitoring recorder with S.P.C. capability establishes and provides documentation of the process variables upper/lower control limits.
9) There are two major forms of variation in the molding process: Catastrophic and normal deviation.
10) System(s) failure and/or improper set points cause catastrophic deviation.

11) Normal variation is caused by random or sequential shifts about the set point (and is limited by the innate machine design).
12) An upper and lower control limit alarm documents and identifies catastrophic and normal deviation of process parameters outside the control band.

Traditional molding is a technique that employees only enough pressure to fill and pack the mold.  On the surface, this seems like a plausible method.  After all, why use more first stage pressure than necessary ---Isn't there a chance of flashing the tool or causing other problems?  The fact is that this technique causes the greatest likelihood of part variation.   In essence, the process pivots about the pressure at the nozzle and small changes in melt viscosity become greatly amplified in the cavity.  As variations in melt temperature, shear viscosity, melt flow and molecular weight become evident at the nozzle, these small variations become large variations in the molded part.


Partially and fully decoupled molding is a technique of moving the pressure pivot point downstream from the nozzle so the pivot point is closer to the cavity.  Thus, consequent changes in melt characteristics are de-amplified in the cavity.  Large changes at the nozzle become smaller  changes in the cavity.  Traditional molding is blind molding : we cannot see into the mold. We know there are pressure drops and spikes but we do not know when and where. Traditional molding is like working in a dark room ---We mold by feel. Decoupled molding with in-tool process monitoring turns on the lights and quite literally lets us see and feel what the mold "sees" and "feels".  Moreover,  in-tool process monitoring with in-tool process control (cavity pressure cut-off with cavity pressure transducers) allows us to control pressures in the tool.
One hundred percent consistency of the process does not assure one hundred percent consistency of the parts.  Assume for a moment that we had a hypothetically perfect molding machine that had absolutely no variation.  This machine would inject with the same pressure each shot, its temperature would not vary, its time would not vary and so forth. Would our parts vary shot to shot?  Yes they would.  The one variable we never did control (and perhaps never will) is variation in the polymer material. Polymers are subject to changes in viscosity for a variety of reasons. For example, molecular weight distribution, depolymerization, hydrolysis, additive consistency, orientation, regrind, etc. all contribute to random changes in viscosity.  Thus, it is impossible for the "perfect" molding machine to produce parts one hundred percent identical each and every shot. Indeed, the perfect molding machine guarantees part variability due to the inherent changes in polymer viscosity. Moreover, molding machines are not perfect.  Minor variations are presented to the polymer in the form of temperature swings (due to oscillations of heater controls) shear heat of the returning screw, variations in boost cut-off (even with position or ram pressure cut-off), subtle variations in timers, hydraulic speeds and pressures and the guaranteed variation screw check ring leakage.  Environmental conditions also cause variation.  Atmospheric temperature and humidity (dew-point) affects material dryness (which affects viscosity), barrel heater cycle time (which affects temperature swings) and can even affect mold temperature. The machine operator is considered an environmental variable and operator gate time can have a profound affect upon part variation. It is not surprising that the closer one looks at the system, the more reasons for variation become evident.
Variation in the molding process is a given.  We can strive to minimize its effect but we cannot eliminate it. To minimize the effect is to de-amplify and to de-amplify in the cavity is to render variation the least harmful. This can be done only if we have a means of monitoring  the internal cavity pressures and modifying the process to compensate for variations.
Cavity transducers are electronic sensors placed in a mold to produce an electronic signal in proportion to actual pressures. They are the electronic "eyes" of a process monitor/control system. A signal conditioner converts the electronic signal to an analog  of the pressure (in real time) and that signal is read by the strip chart recorder or data logger. The conditioner/recorder are thus the "brains" of a process monitor/control system. The "hands" of the system are the user selected threshold pressure that sends the hydraulic cut-off signal to the boost value and compensates for machine/polymer variation.
Cavity pressure monitoring/control should be the core of any process monitoring system otherwise there is little to be gained by monitoring variation that cannot be  self-compensated. Of course, there are catastrophic variations caused by system failures  that can be automatically monitored for excursions beyond fixed set points.  For example, dryer temperature, dryer dew point, barrel temperatures, mold temperature,  timers, etc. can fail (or be improperly set) catastrophically or incrementally and cause rejected parts. Before such systems can be alarmed against failure, they must be monitored to determine their normal deviation from set-point and that normal deviation must be plotted  against part consistency. One would usually expect that normal deviation does riot substantially affect part consistency. If it did, something is seriously wrong (with the tool,  machine, material selection, etc.). Obviously, catastrophic variation can often (but not always) have an immediate effect on part quality. The sooner one can determine a failure the less likely it is that non-conforming parts will be produced. Consequently, a process alarm system that looks for deviations in addition to cavity pressures is most desirable.

